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How to Leverage Data to Enhance Teacher Growth

We know that data-driven decision-making has become integral to modern education, impacting teacher professional development and improving learning outcomes for students.

When applied to Professional Development (PD), data helps pinpoint target areas and track progress over time, ensuring that teacher efforts are not only targeted but impactful in their classrooms.

So how do we leverage that data to enhance teacher growth? By putting it in the hands of the teacher.

Capturing personalised feedback and delivering it directly to teachers in a palatable and actionable format, gives autonomy for professional reflection.

Access to practical resources provide evidence-based classroom strategies and encourage conversations around both individual and group professional practice.

Mapping the data insights back to AITSL teaching standards, ensures whole circle connection for understanding and reflection.

Importantly, this information should be confidential for the student and teacher, but still allow school leadership to use the de-identified data to inform insights and recommendations for school improvement PD day topics.

Wallan Secondary College has successfully engaged teachers in impactful professional development. Read more here.

By leveraging data collected through the Student Survey on Teaching, school leaders can tailor Professional Development (PD) opportunities to address areas of improvement and enhance both teaching practices and student outcomes.

What is the Student Survey on Teaching?

A unique tool that collects student voice on a dedicated platform, and provides it directly to teachers in a palatable and actionable format. De-identified data is also available for school leadership to inform their strategic planning and development.

Ready to build a culture of positive feedback? Book a discovery call with us.

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